Erin Phillips Golden Valley, Minnesota |  I visited this mueseum about mid-November '08 and noticed the following that belong to a B-50: 5 supercharge engines, the entire length of the wing assembly, tail section and (gated) the rear fuselage from bombbay #2 to tail gunner. All outside- most behind the jets, cut up. Just curious if anyone knows anything about this ship and what are the plans for it? 01/06/2009 @ 14:00 [ref: 8603] |
pito pito city, Missouri |  I like big pitos 02/25/2008 @ 04:25 [ref: 6845] |
Roger Botting Atlanta, Georgia |  The aircraft inside are in very good condition, nice selecton and well placed for pictures. The aircraft outside not is such good condition, the Vampire is starting to need work on it, the C121A is in great condition plus found a nice L39 Delfi which was a surprise. The staff also very helpful. 02/27/2007 @ 17:50 [ref: 5660] |
Stephan Bally Bern, |  we too we stopped there before entering the Grand Canyon; I can only recommend it to everybody; exhibits in a absolute unqiue, spotless state, very interesting even for avarage-aviation-enthousiasts like me; 08/02/2006 10/15/2006 @ 05:24 [ref: 5340] |
Andrew Glass Sydney, |  Surprise, surprise, on our way to Grand Canyon when I spotted a connie by the side of the road, much to my wives annoyance, 2 hours & 2 rolls of film later I left the museum quite happy 10/03/2006 @ 16:09 [ref: 5310] |
James f Mahar Honolulu Hi, Hawaii |  Just great,please stop there,it is well whorth the visit! 06/26/2005 @ 21:18 [ref: 4171] |
John Cliffe Manchester, Great Britain, Arizona |  Stunbled on this museum by accident while driving back to Vegas via the Grand Canyon, first thing I knew it was there was the Lockheed Constelletion seen from the road.
Very nice museum and very people who were running it, some interesting exhibits, very much enjoyed my visit, will be returning again on my next vacation in AZ
Well worth a visit if you within driving distance of it.
John Cliffe, Great Britain 01/17/2005 @ 07:49 [ref: 3718] |
Bob Dell Kingman, Arizona |  A nice supprise on the way to Grand Canyon. A long way from any metropolitan areas and is out of the way for most people except Grand Canyon Visitors or if those traveling to/from the West Coast on I40. Well worth traveling the 30 miles from I40 to see. All the Flying aircraft and displays are as top rate like the "Planes of Fame" Chino. I had seen some of these aircraft in Chino years ago. Not listed above was a very nice P47D (Razorback version). I guess they rotate some of the flyable aricraft with museum in Chino. The P51A, Bf109 and the Ford Trimotor were superb. 01/23/2003 @ 13:30 [ref: 2777] |