airline credit card , California |  As it were, the museum is not just a place to store the relics of the past. But also as a medium for learning.
07/29/2011 @ 05:32 [ref: 20511] |
True Religion Brand Jeans , California |  07/19/2011 @ 00:04 [ref: 19418] |
Duane McCartney , North Carolina |  I was stationed there from 1955 - 57 with VMA 223. Radio/electronics. Have often wondered the whereabouts or destiny of my NCO, MSgt. Tommy Harper. A fine gentleman as were most members of the squadron. A fine site. I might make one correction re list of exhibits. At least I hope I have not become so feeble as to get this wrong. The Panther F9F-2 (earlier model of the F9F-5 I think, at least the 5's in our squadron had one engine) had only one engine. Just a minor point I reckon. Hope that I am indeed correct. 06/21/2011 @ 15:10 [ref: 17903] |
Kira Gentry Fullerton, California |  Hello,
I found your web site while researching the El Toro Marine Air Station and have read the many posts on this site with great interest. Currently myself and a group of graduate students from California State University, Fullerton, are working with The Great Park Corporation to preserve the history of the El Toro Marine Corps Air Station through the collection of oral histories. This is a great opportunity and a meaningful experience for all those involved. Of greater importance, however, is the preservation of the remarkable experiences and fascinating stories of the many people who served on the base, lived in the surrounding communities, or have family members associated with the base, both military and civilian. At this time we have conducted over 225 interviews with WWII and Korean War veterans, spouses, dependents, and community members and are currently concentrating on the 1954-1963 time period. However, we are interested in hearing from anyone with memories of the El Toro base. If you would like to be considered for the project, or know someone associated with the base, please let us know. We can be reached at 657-278-8415 or via email at
Thank you,
Kira Gentry
Project Mananger
El Toro Marine Air Station Oral History Project 04/26/2010 @ 09:24 [ref: 9338] |
george rodriguez houston, Texas |  I was station at El Toro from 80 to 82 with MAG-11. It was a great duty station. Even though Okinawa was the place to be. El Toro had everything, Santa Ana, Anaheim, L.A., Laguna Beach, etc. it was so centralize, but most important were the Marines and all the supporting units that kept the Phantoms and later the Hornets flying. Too bad that MCAS El Toro is closed now. Siempre Fi. 03/05/2010 @ 11:48 [ref: 9282] |
Eugene Day Pacifica, California |  Was also stationd at El Toro from Dec. 1955 to Mar. 1957 with MABS 15 Crash Crew untill transferring to MAG 11, Atsugi, Japan. I recall the air groups at that time were MAG 15, MAG 25, MAG 33 and I believe the R5D squadrons were part of MAG 39, although I could be mistaken on that one.
Would welcome hearing from anyone that also served during the same time frame. 01/21/2010 @ 15:32 [ref: 9239] |
Lcpl Thomas Hearrell Longview, Texas |  I was stationed at ET 1955-1956 But I don't remember what units were there at that time I think I was in MAG 13 but Im not sure if some one could enlighten me. thanks Simper Fi 01/07/2010 @ 20:36 [ref: 9220] |
sally nicholson , California |  I’m trying to find the names of some of the pilots that served under Nick Kirby. My husband was on a flight exchange program stationed at MCAS El Toro 1985. I can remember a few names Kermit, Jay, Lance. Thanks 12/04/2009 @ 19:22 [ref: 9184] |
Al Buckner , Texas |  I was stationed at El Toro in 1967-1968 as part of Base Electronics Division/GCA Radar. This was a great duty station. 06/27/2009 @ 17:41 [ref: 8808] |
Mike Jewell Chicago, Illinois |  Hey Brian, What the hell are you doing in Texas? Did you join the ARMY? 04/04/2009 @ 11:37 [ref: 8769] |