thomas ognen West Newton, Pennsylvania |  Like to get in touch with any F-102 pilots that flew with the Pittsburgh ANG. Looking for a couple of patches from that era. 01/29/2016 @ 05:31 [ref: 55854] |
Vic , Pennsylvania |  I served 38 years in the military. 26 @ 171ARW.
It is one of the most professionally run bases in the entire military 12/19/2009 @ 10:58 [ref: 9199] |
Richard Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania |  To see planes land at Pittsburgh International airport, the best place to watch is from Resurrection cemetery. 10/23/2009 @ 18:37 [ref: 9140] |
Pete Neergaard Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania |  Does anyone know if there is something like a parking lot for watching "up close" take offs and landings at the Pittsburgh airport?
I have a young son that really likes airplanes and thought that would be a fun thing. I've seen them at other airports, but don't know how to find them at the Pittsburgh airport.
Thanks! 03/26/2008 @ 04:40 [ref: 7238] |
Terry J. Shawver , Pennsylvania |  I never forgot my run in with a colonel at DaNang, the F102's had fuel priorities over the F4's. The colonel was beside himself "these guys haven't fired a shot in the whole damn war and they have priority over my F4's, this will change" and it did. The F102's were TDY from Clark and flew cover for the B52's. As far as security,it sounds like they are doing a great job in Pittsburgh, mission first then the tourist. 12/11/2006 @ 18:53 [ref: 5484] |
Wes Hayes Latrobe, Pennsylvania |  I agree with the others that you should respect the gate, and the people inside! If "they" can take down the world trade center to make a point,why not try a ANG base? I'm also asking... whare can I get a new avation map that shows AR-220? I bought a book North American Military Avation Freqs. It has one of many maps, the old refuling route AR-217. And HF,VHF, UHF,air traffic centers, air demostration Sqns., freqs. But they didn't want to keep going-on with this book. Any one that reads this, please contact me. at my E-mail. thanks 05/21/2006 @ 08:39 [ref: 5015] |
David Parana , Pennsylvania |  As a long overdue follow-up to my original post below....
I went throught the appropriate channels and received some fantastic pics of this aircraft from the base public affairs office. They were very accomodating and great people to deal with. Thank You PA ANG for Everything!
03/21/2006 @ 13:22 [ref: 4899] |
Jeff Fayette City, Pennsylvania |  They have to keep the base well guarded... that is their job. The people at security forces can't just let anyone in. What's the big deal with not letting you see airplanes. You can see most of those planes anywhere else. And the 171st isn't on the chopping block... I don't know what in the world you guys are talking about. 10/03/2005 @ 16:30 [ref: 4481] |
Bob Norton pittsburgh, Pennsylvania |  Since when was the 171st ever on the chopping block? Already your crediblity is around zero. You need to realize that the unit is one of the most active and respected units in the Air Force. The last thing they need is a bunch of "enthusist" coming on base and taking pictures of aircraft you can see at any other museum/air park. Give the men and women not only at the gate, but on the base some much due respect and go waste your time and energy complaining about something more important. 05/29/2005 @ 23:54 [ref: 4103] |
David Stutzman Canonsburg, Pennsylvania |  I'd like to comment on two of the comments made after I posted mine. First, I posted my comments 4 months before 9/11/01, and had been to the base several times years before we were at war. At that point there was no reason to close off the base to someone who wants to take a couple pictures of a few gate guards. I had no problem going inside the gate to take pictures of the F-86 at Mansfield, WV just had to ask at the guard station. Second, I'd love to find out where this "gift shop" is where you can buy pictures. Maybe if the 171st was a little more friendly to the public like the 911th, the whole complex might not be on the chopping block right now. You can still only take pictures of the F-102A outside the gate and now they frown on you even stopping for very long. As a side note, the sister ship of the A-7D is at a little memorial park along with an AH-1S just off US 22 in Weirton, WV. It was recently repainted and was in nice shape the last time I was by. There's also an F-86L at a VFW in Imperial, PA off US 22 on Old Steubenville Pike. I think it's the sister ship to the F-86L at the base. It's painted in ADC grey and has christmas lights all over it, but it's still in decent shape. 04/27/2005 @ 23:22 [ref: 4020] |