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North American P-51D 'Mustang'
  Manufacturer: | North American |
  Base model: | P-51 |
  Designation: | P-51 |
  Version: | D |
  Nickname: | Mustang |
  Designation System: | U.S. Air Force |
  Designation Period: | 1925-1947 |
  Basic role: | Pursuit |
  Crew: | Pilot |
  See Also: | |
  Length: | 32' 3" | 9.8 m |
  Height: | 13' 8" | 4.1 m |
  Wingspan: | 37' | 11.3 m |
  Wingarea: | 235.0 sq ft | 21.8 sq m |
  Empty Weight: | 7,000 lb | 3,175 kg |
  Gross Weight: | 9,200 lb | 4,173 kg |
  Max Weight: | 12,100 lb | 5,487 kg |
  No. of Engines: | 1 |
  Powerplant: | Rolls-Royce (Packard) Merlin V-1650 |
  Horsepower (each): | 1650 |
  Range: | 1,000 miles | 1,610 km |
  Cruise Speed: | 275 mph | 442 km/h | 238 kt |
  Max Speed: | 437 mph | 703 km/h | 380 kt |
  Ceiling: | 41,900 ft | 12,770 m |
Date | Subject | Event |
1951/05/29 | United States Air Force, Blair, Charles F.
| Capt. Charles F. Blair flew his P-51D Mustang "Excalibur III" 3,375 miles from Bardufoss, Norway, to Fairbanks, AK. becoming the first person to make a solo flight across the North Pole. The flight took 10 hours 29 mi
Known serial numbers
44-11153 / 44-11352, 44-12853 / 44-13252, 44-13253 / 44-14052, 44-14053 / 44-14852, 44-14853 / 44-15752
44-63160 / 44-64159
44-72027 / 44-72626
44-72627 / 44-74226
44-74227 / 44-75026
44-84390 / 44-84989
Examples of this type may be found at
P-51D on display
 Air Mobility Command Museum |  California ANG - 144th FW, Fresno |  Cavanaugh Flight Museum |  Champlin Fighter Museum |  Eighth Air Force Museum |  Fantasy of Flight |  March Field Museum |  Museum of Aviation |  National Air and Space Museum |  Olympic Flight Museum |  The Air Museum |  The Air Museum "Planes of Fame" |   |
Recent comments by our visitors
johnathan , AR | i have to say thw U.S. got it rite when they desighned the mustang...yes it was for ther A.R.F but the U.S saw over time that it was an awsome fighter. not only a fighter but a dive bomber, and bomber escort, and a ground supert plane it is the plane i want to fly some day or at least ride in one the P51 is what got me into histoy and fighters its just one of the manny well built fighters that the U.S has Manufactuered over the years 06/20/2012 @ 08:21 [ref: 60681] |
jimmyg roch, NY | What FS code is the silver paint used to cover the upper and lower wing panels of a P51D?
wingwrench@ymail.com 12/15/2010 @ 21:09 [ref: 34308] |
Terry Raymond, OH | Some remarkable viewpoints here! Comparing the P-51 to the F4U is silly, I think, rather like comparing a greyhound to a thoroughbred horse. While both are bred to win races, there are glaring and understandable differences! The fact that the F4U was specifically designed to take off and land on a carrier deck accounts for many of them. In any case, the Corsair benefits from having no enemy competition to speak of. Japan's air superiority had ended with the arrival of Grumman's F6F early in the war. The Japs, forever plagued with shortages of raw materials and convinced the war would be short, simply failed to advance their effective fighter technology significantly beyond the Zero. The Corsair, introduced late in the war, and superior to the F6F in every way, went up against enemy fighters that were not significantly better than the ones that strafed Pearl Harbor in 1941. Yes, the Merlin was a British engine and putting it in the Mustang was a British idea, but it is a fact that the Merlins in our Mustangs were manufactured in the US by Packard, under license from Rolls Royce. Of course, the P-51 went up against the most advanced enemy planes of the day, including the marvelous FW-190 and the Me-262, the first jet fighter to reach squadron deployment in history. And it should be pointed out that, regardless of the quality of our planes, our pilots were far better trained and supported than were their opponents. Especially toward the end of the war, our guys were going up against enemy fighter pilots who were fresh from woefully inadequate training, and who could not count on having a place to land after the mission, or fuel for the next one. Kudos for a great website! 01/09/2009 @ 07:28 [ref: 23449] |
Kay P , NS | Harry, WA ... wot an over-zealous nauseatingly patriotic ning-nong u are Harry! The Merlin is not designed in the USA, it's British.
BTW, WWII as every other war is not about freedom at all. It's about making money. War's an imperial racket. If the shoe fits ... 10/31/2008 @ 15:42 [ref: 22957] |
Harry , WA | You know, the beauty of us being Americans is that we can have our favorite aircraft and talk about it, even argue about it... The Mustang, the Corsair, the Lightening, the Thunderbolt, the P-40 (known by more than one name) and the Aircobra ALL had their unique specifications. as did many other naval planes I didn't mention. The best thing about all of them is they were made by Americans, in America in a dire time of need and they were EXCEPTIONAL aircraft. You can't mistake the sound of a merlin would up and screaming... and there is also no other sound like the Corsair shooting by with it's engine wound tight either. They are beautiful to behold, awe inspiring, magnificent aircraft. Keep your favorites and even argue about them if you must! That is what they flew for. Freedom!
side note: on June 8th once again a P-51B with a Malcom Hood took to the air under Bud Anderson's "Old Crow" Markings. It can be seen on Mustangsmustangs.com 06/28/2008 @ 08:33 [ref: 21711] |
Aaron F. Robinson Wilmington, NC | The P-51D Mustang, I must tell you, is one of the worst aircraft I have ever heard of. I hate it!
(Everything I wrote is the opposite of what I think. I love this airplane!) 04/12/2008 @ 18:22 [ref: 20526] |
Bob , NY | Click on or copy and paste this link to see an early army promo video.
http://www.zenoswarbirdvideos.com/P-51.html?gclid=CLiCzL2Qj5ICFQcKGgod3kpo_A 03/15/2008 @ 03:57 [ref: 20028] |
Colin Noblesville, IN | HI,
My grandfather worked for Chance Fought in Dallas, TX and helped develop the F4U Corsair. He was a mechanical engineer and worked on the rudder/tail wheel section. Yes the F4U was a bit faster and could dive at an incridable speed. But after having the oppurtunity to ride in a P-51D not once but twice. I have to say that the North American P-51 is my favorite aircraft. I admire my grandfather and all the other engineers at Chance Fought but if I had to choose the plane I would have flown in WWII it would be the Mustang. 02/25/2008 @ 15:58 [ref: 19777] |
Angel Galloza aguada, OTH | the best plane ever made. he went 7 to 1 ods and still won
and a like to wach p-51 mustang in a show 02/12/2008 @ 08:55 [ref: 19659] |
dick jenkins Niceville, FL | I have several photos taken recently at the Roar and Soar festivities of 2007 at Fantasy of Flight. I also have good quality photos of several other aircraft from Fantasy of Flight taken in the air and on the tarmac rather than in the hanger. Please let me know if you are interested.
My photos include the P-51C, Grumman Goose, P-51D, German Stork, and many others from that day. 01/22/2008 @ 04:30 [ref: 19391] |
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