Jack G. Parris Clanton, Alabama |  Went through B-29 training at Randolph A.F.B. in the early 50\'s. The last B-29 I saw was in front of the N.C.O. club at Kelly A.F. B. during a visit there during the Senior Olympics, can't remember the year. 11/22/2009 @ 18:16 [ref: 9172] |
Donald J Luke , Arizona |  Returned from Southeast Asia in late 1969 and arrived at Randolph. Spent about 18 months working on VT29 and VC-131 base flight aircraft, mostly in the phase inspection hanger. Never got to fly in any of them. A handful of us used to come to work early each morning and head for the golf course to do a bit of fishing before starting work. Because the aircraft were used to fly VIPs and inspection teams, wes pent a lot of time with dual head air-driven buffers polishing the aircraft skin and props to a brilliant - first using Met-all metal polish, then using flour and rags to get the polish residue off the metal and finally a coat of Glass Wax to protect the shiny surface. Can't remember many names but a few come to mind - Pappy Sapp, Ollie Burkett, and Charley Bannister 12/18/2008 @ 12:47 [ref: 8569] |
don San Antonio, Texas |  Randolph has a few nice aircraft on display.
If you want to see a Great static displays go to Lackland just across town. they have at least 75 aircraft scattered around the base. including a B52D a B29 a P-38 Twin Mustang. even a SR-71 if you go to what was Kelly AFB there is a F-111 , F-106 and a B-58 no other displays in Texas are better
hodag@yahoo.com 09/28/2004 @ 00:56 [ref: 3433] |
Oscar J. Dorr Orlando, Florida |  The AT-9 "Fledgling" was built by Curtiss, and had two R-680-9 engines. The AT-9A was equipped with two R-680-11 engines. Here is a site with photo and story.
http://www.wpafb.af.mil/museum/modern_flight/mf15.htm 11/26/2002 @ 19:18 [ref: 2716] |
MP Calleja , California |  Hi,
Would anyone out there have information on AT-9's?? All I know is that they were twin engine, advanced trainers, and some flew from Randolph Field in Texas. Thanks for your help! 09/30/2002 @ 13:02 [ref: 2518] |
William Butler Randolph AFB, Texas |  Looking for information on instructor badges in the 1940s, 1950s, and 1960s. Also seeking photos of individuals wearing instructor badges for those periods.
See links to other Air Training Command sites at the follwing:
http://www.aetc.randolph.af.mil/ho/default.html 08/09/2002 @ 13:21 [ref: 2353] |
Norman Crocker Creston, Iowa |  Good base display. AT-11 is by flightline, T-29
is in front of training building one block northwest.
June 6, 2000. 06/09/2000 @ 16:01 [ref: 180] |