Carter B. Endsley Punta Gorda, Florida |  I was a jet engine mechanic and my first assignment was with the 4756 Air Defense Command at Tyndall AFB in 1957. I worked on T-33, F-102, F-86D, B-57, F-89 and F-104 aircraft. This was a dream assignment and I lived off base in Parker on the other side of the bridge with my wife and new daughter (who was born at Tyndall). I water skiied, snarkled and fished after duty, every day. Later in 1958 I was transferred to the 48th Tactical Fighter Wing at Chaumont, France and in 1960 we moved our base to Lakenheath RAF, England. Tyndall will always have a place in my heart! 12/17/2013 @ 07:47 [ref: 55555] |
Larry Rande Sherwood, Oregon |  When I first came to Tyndall in 1986 for training the planes on display along Highway 98 were all represented a full history of Air Defense Command interceptors going back to the F-86 up to the F-15. They were all painted in authentic Air Defense Warfare Center markings and were quite impressive.
In 1991 I returned TDY to Tyndall and a new base commander had painted them all flat light grey (basically the same color as used on F-15s) including covering all of the original markings, even painting over the canopies. I was sickened to see that but I can only imagine the budget cutting moves that went into that decision.
Now I see people commenting the only planes left are the ones that were inside the base perimeter (F-15, F-4, F-106, and F-86).
Looking at Google Earth, I see that is true but I am heartened to see the authentic paint schemes seem to be restored and many of the other planes have been distributed around Panama City (F-102 and F-101). 04/30/2013 @ 20:13 [ref: 55469] |
Bigdougdog Daleville, Alabama |  This was a well kept outdoor static display. It adds nice accent to the post but it is just that a post display. However the airshow there each year is amazing, if you get a chance check it out. or if your in the area check this out. 04/22/2009 @ 07:41 [ref: 8785] |
Ken Neubeck Patchogue, New York |  I was able to visit this air park during a recent business trip to the panhandle area of Florida. I had to write to the public affairs office ahead of time to get an escort to the air park. The air park only has four aircraft currently on display: F-15, F-4, F-86 and F-106. Some of the aircraft have been moved to the community college and the F-102 that I was looking for was moved to somewhere else that no one knew where. I have a photo of the F-15 available if the previous reviewer is still interested... 03/09/2009 @ 05:27 [ref: 8727] |
Jim Mavrogeorge Nashua, New Hampshire |  I did not get a picture to the one who posted asking if I did. Anyone who can get me a picture of the F-15 on static display at Tyndall AFB it would be greatly appreciated. 06/18/2007 @ 08:33 [ref: 5991] |
Billy Brooks Cresson, Pennsylvania |  Jim Mavrogeorge: Did you get a picture of the F-15? I took a digital pic in 05 and can send it.
3625TechTngGrp 62-63 04/05/2007 @ 11:45 [ref: 5788] |
Ed Corry Cincinnati, Ohio |  I have some photos from willim tell at Tyndall
showing the temporay bldgs held up by an air lock.
A huurican came thru and with the differance in air pressure they collapesed
Also have some from the pol section with pics of some personell and 102s and 106s from the flight line all taken in 58
Was all pretty neat with the Century series coming on board 01/17/2007 @ 12:06 [ref: 5550] |
Ed Corry Cincinnati, Ohio |  I have some photos from willim tell at Tyndall
showing the temporay bldgs held up by an air lock.
A huurican came thru and with the differance in air pressure they collapesed
Also have some from the pol section with pics of some personell and 102s and 106s from the flight line all taken in 58
Was all pretty neat with the Century series coming on board 01/17/2007 @ 12:06 [ref: 5549] |
Dick Stultz Fair Oaks, California |  I was delighted to see the airplane I flew at William Tell 1978 on display at Tyndall. My crew chief Bob Wegeman had polished the tail and intakes until they appeared chrome. Tough job it was!
The aircraft was in need of repairs. Looks like the canopy was broken at the hinge. I am disappointed that the aircraft appears like a model airplane rather than a historically correct display with proper numbering, sizing, etc. I am willing to return and repaint the Nose Art that was on it during William Tell. The Tazlanglian Devil Lives! 11/08/2006 @ 09:21 [ref: 5412] |
bob combs west baton rouge, Louisiana |  I was 9 years old in 1956; when my dad was a MSgt and a Maintenance Chief at Tyndall AFB. I remember the day he took me to the flight line and Hangar to see the sleek new Convair F-102's. I was fascinated bye aircraft; and saw some Northrop F-89's parked there before being flown out. My Father had a deep "HATE" for the F-89 and told me it was a Hangar
We watched one day as the Last KB-29 was flown out after being retired. Being an Air Force Brat was wonderful for a young boy fascinated with airplanes. After my tour in Vietnam in the 20th SOS; flying in UH-1F's....I LOST any interest in EVER flying in a military aircraft AGAIN!! lol 02/25/2006 @ 17:09 [ref: 4832] |