dd dd, Arizona |  ddd 09/14/2011 @ 00:53 [ref: 24312] |
Tracy Lott Colorado Springs, Colorado |  Relocation to the new permanent site on Eubank Road is complete. The outside display area is a little rough right now but everything is on site. They are soliciting contributions to restore the sail of SSBN-645 James K. Polk for display. 06/30/2011 @ 14:39 [ref: 18023] |
Blaine Albuquerque, New Mexico |  FYI, in the course of moving off base (to Old Town) and then to its new location on Eubank Blvd., it appears that the museum has refocused on just items directly pertinent to Atomic Power. I believe that all of the rotary wing and many of the fixed wing aircraft are the ones on display on the western half of Kirtland AFB (map coord 35.05446,-106.595158 pinpoints the location of the HH-43 Huskie). The C-47 and the Catalina are nearby (to the east). 10/24/2010 @ 17:13 [ref: 11345] |
Bob Broomfield, Colorado |  Hello, I have been waiting to visit the museum site until they display the static aircraft. This website says the museum has a UH-1F Bell helicopter, 64-15495. I served as crew chief on that bird during the 60's. I would like to see it again. Anyone know when it will be on display or a contact person on the base? Thanks, Bob 07/31/2008 @ 07:59 [ref: 8297] |
Raymond Davis Jr. Ponca City, Oklahoma |  Hello my father was a mechanic on a B-52 at KAFB I believe in the early 1950's. He and my mother took a trip to New Mexico and believed that the B-52 that was on display at the museum was the one he worked on. I was looking to try to get the tail number or picture or something. I have some information but not much as he has passed away in 2004. Thank you very much. 10/10/2007 @ 17:40 [ref: 6387] |
Bill Dingh , New Mexico |  Well thought out chronology of historical events and artifacts. I really like the how their exhibits team put together a very interesting museum. Can't wait to see what they do in their new museum, good luck! 10/01/2007 @ 19:40 [ref: 6358] |
Rick Cox , Kansas |  An excellent museum displaying atomic weapons, the history of the Manhattan project, H-bomb development, ICBMs and more. (The aircraft are still at ABQ.) Docent Charlie Schmitt knows the hardware inside-out and was able to tell us a lot about it. Thanks Charlie! 12/10/2004 @ 00:14 [ref: 3625] |
John , Kansas |  Hey Gary, thanks for the info on my old bird. Anyway you could get some pics of the old girl?...since she\'s still airborne.....lol.
Also, my email has changed to jbarba63@hotmail.com. 07/04/2004 @ 18:01 [ref: 3254] |
Gary Albuquerque, New Mexico |  Tom: here's a Hound Dog web site (there are no pictures of the one at the museum):
and here's a pic of the B-52 at the old museum; the AGM-28 is under the far wing out of sight:
Michael: The aircraft are still here at Kirtland AFB, but not accessible to the general public since 9/11. The school is still here also, but is the USAF Pararescue School, not the aircrew Survival School, which is, in fact, at Nellis AFB.
John: Yep, the CT-39 is still on a pole in front of Kirtland Base Ops.
To All: This is a great place, and the only place on the planet to see this slice of history. Its interim downtown location is a little cramped and the aircraft & missiles are still stuck on base, but soon the museum will have a new building everyone can get to without a base clearance.
06/24/2004 @ 20:24 [ref: 3228] |
Jim Walther Albuquerque, New Mexico |  The National Atomic Museum featured in this website directory for aircraft enthusiasts has moved to a location at 1905 Mountain Rd. NW Albuquerque. The collection of historic aircraft are being readied for relocation to a site where the museum will construct a new facility. The aircraft are not accessible to the public until 2008. Please updaytte this information so as not to dissapoint visitors.
Jim Walther
Museim Dircetor 04/01/2004 @ 16:53 [ref: 3043] |